
Ask Bruce to Speak
Bruce is often asked to speak to community groups and organizations. Below is a catalogue of workshops that can help provide you and your constituents. Contact us to learn more and schedule an event.
10 Basic Financial Steps for Special Needs Caregivers
As a caregiver of a dependent with special needs the single most important issue on your mind, regardless of the age of the dependent, is what will happen to my dependent after I’m gone. Who’s going to look after my dependent’s best interests? Who’s going to step into my shoes? Will my dependent be happy, healthy and secure?
This workshop will discuss a ten-step guide to help you prepare for the financial future of your dependent with special needs.
9 Basic Financial Steps for Adults with Special Needs
This workshop will discuss some basic financial steps for adults with debilitating disabilities and things to consider when planning for when they can no longer work.
ABLE Account Workshop
President Barack Obama signed the Achieving a Better Life Experience, or ABLE Act on December 19, 2014 as part of the Tax Increase Prevention Act of 2014. This law allows qualified individuals with disabilities to have a tax-advantaged savings account.
This workshop will discuss some basic financial steps for adults with debilitating disabilities and things to consider when planning for when they can no longer work.
Charitable Giving
Creating a legacy through a charitable gift can benefit yourself, your loved ones, and your choice of organizations.
This workshop will discuss five steps to successful charitable giving, including how taxes may be impacted. Learn about tools and strategies to maximize your charitable gifts and who to involve in order to execute them successfully.
Funding a Special Needs Trust
Special Needs Trusts allow caregivers a way to provide for their dependent with special need’s care and quality of life, without disqualifying them for federal assistance. The money in the trust can help to supplement standard services and benefits provided by government agencies.
We’ll discuss different types of special needs trusts, considerations of when to fund, and various funding options.
Guardianship Workshop
In most states the law presumes that individuals over the age of 18 are able to make their own decisions about what is best for them in their daily lives. Each family is unique, and some families may feel it is necessary to apply for guardianship or limited guardianship to protect the personal and financial decisions for their loved one with special needs.
In this workshop we will review the different types of guardianship and some alternatives to guardianship, such as powers of attorney, supportive decision-making, etc.
Government Programs Workshop
This workshop provides an overview of various government programs that may be available to dependents with special needs. We’ll review Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security Disability Income (SSDI), Medicaid/Medicaid Waivers, and State Specific Programs. You will learn about the requirements to qualify for these programs and the types of expenses they cover for qualified candidates.
Income Tax Planning Workshop
Caregivers of dependents with special needs are often forced to absorb more of the costs for medical care and related services for their dependent with special needs. And many are not aware of the potential tax benefits that may be available to them.
This workshop will discuss potential tax deductions and credits that are commonly overlooked by caregivers with a dependent with special needs.
Life Care Planning Workshop
This workshop will discuss what a Life Care Plan is and the steps recommended to create one for a loved one with special needs. As a caregiver of a dependent with special needs the single most important issue on your mind, regardless of the age of the dependent, is what will happen to my dependent after I’m gone. There are some needs that will always be present, and they must be carefully considered and planned for appropriately.
Creating a Special Needs Legal and Life Care Plan
Creating a future that provides for both your own financial needs and those of a dependent with special needs can feel overwhelming.
This workshop will discuss four focus areas that should be considered with integrated planning, and a recommended timeline to avoid any disruption in the care of a loved one with special needs.
Life Insurance for Special Needs Planning Workshop
For many people, buying a life insurance policy is a smart move that will ensure financial coverage for family and loved ones. Additional amounts and consideration should be given to special needs and disability related expenses. The financial safety net for a loved one with special needs can be easily disrupted if their caregiver(s) predeceases the dependent.
This workshop will discuss different types of life insurance and how it may play a role in preparing for the financial security of a loved one with special needs.
Planning for Independent Living for a Family Member with a Life-Long Disability Workshop
Families of persons with special needs are often unaware of the various housing options and in-home supports which enable their loved one to live independently.
This workshop will discuss how to use your private resources to partner with government benefits and agencies to enable families to best plan for their dependent’s future. We’ll explore alternatives to the traditional ‘provider based’ group homes and congregate care settings that were, up until recent years, the only options available.
Changes in Federal Home and Community Based Services (HC) housing policies have made it possible for persons with special needs to have housing options similar to those persons without disabilities.
Special Needs Trust Workshop
Special Needs Trusts may provide supplemental resources for an individual with special needs. Under various circumstances, not having a special needs trust may adversely affect an individual’s eligibility for government benefits.
This workshop will provide an overview of different types of trusts, important considerations in naming a Trustee, expenses that can be paid through the trust, funding options, and how to get started in creating a properly drafted special needs trust.
Top Financial Mistakes to Avoid for Dependents with Special Needs Workshop
Not planning at all for the future is the biggest mistake a family can make, especially when it can impact a loved one with special needs. But there are also some common mistakes that can be avoided.
We’ll review some common planning situations with the understanding that the actual plan created for an individual with special needs will be unique to their needs and lifestyle.
Avoiding these common situations can provide a significant impact on the life of a loved one with special needs today and well into their future.
How Caregivers Can Secure the Future of Their Dependent with Special Needs Workshops
Families with children and other dependents with special needs, no matter what the age or disability, face many serious questions about how to best prepare for their future wellbeing. This workshop addresses such critical issues as protecting government benefit eligibility for Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Special Needs Trusts, ABLE Accounts, and the importance of a will.